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Fully rely on our own important roles of domestic or foreign raw materials supplier, finished goods seller, logistics partner, financial collecter, take advantages of powerful resources agglomeration and superposition functions, to provide industrial customers the whole supply chain, all-round and one-stop service on raw material supply, finished goods purchasing and selling, trades, logistics and finance.




Industrial logistics operations division purchases raw materials from overseas or domestic industrial raw material suppliers, feed the raw material to demander, such as metal smelting enterprises, power plants through the business platform. At the same time, we provide services on the finished goods in the process of sales and distribution, to overseas and domestic demanders through our platform, or transport finished goods to other special surveillance zone through regulation and distribution of bonded logistics center pattern to meet customers` needs. In the whole process of the industrial logistics supply chain operation, as a third party supervision enterprise We joint Banks and financing demanders to carry out the warehouse receipt pledge business, to not only ensure the safety of Banks to lend money to the enterprise, but also meet the urgent financial demand of enterprises through our regulation.